

保障美国妇女堕胎前的罗素韦德案遭美国最高法院推翻,美国总统拜登发表全国讲话,谴责相关裁决让美国倒退了150年。拜登承诺将尽其所能保护女性避孕和跨周堕胎的权利。美国最高法院取消宪法规定的堕胎权,拜登发表提议的图片 -第1张 拜登当天在白宫就美国最高法院推翻罗诉韦德案的裁决发表全国讲话。拜登指出,最高法院参考了追溯到1800年代的州法,让美国倒退了150年。最新裁决对最高法院和美国来说都是悲哀的。一天。Fifty years ago, robbie weight was decided, it has been the law, the land sentenced. This landmark case , protective women’s right to choose. Her right to make intensely personal decisions of their doctor , frame manufacturer from the interference of politics. He referred basic principles of equality , a woman of the power to control their own destiny and a reinforced , a fundamental right of privacy. Right of each of us to choose how to live our lives. Now, with rogan must be very clear, the health and life of women in this nation are now at risk.

拜登表示,为女性争取堕胎权的斗争没有结束,他呼吁选民选举更多的民主党人进入国会,才能将对女性堕胎权的保护纳入美国法律。美国评论人士指出,最高法院的裁决也有可能重塑11月的中期选举的选情。大多数美国人支持普遍的堕胎权,而目前民主党因通胀问题面临严峻局势。The only way we can secure women’s right to choose. The balanced existence is for congress to restore the protections of robby weight as federal war . This row is on the ballot. Personal freedom is on the ballot. The right to privacy , liberty , equality , they’re all on about it . It was three justices named by one president donald trump , with the court . today’s decision baton。美国最高法院取消宪法规定的堕胎权,拜登发表提议的图片 -第2张拜登还承诺,他的政府将尽其所能确保在禁止或限制堕胎的州女性仍可以堕胎。The woman must remain free to travel safely to another state to seek care they need. My administration will defend that bed rock , right? Venezuela local official higher law tries interfering with a woman’s exercise and basically to travel . I will do everything in my power to fight that deeply unamerican attack . My administration will also protect women’s access to medications. That are approved by the food drug administration , the fda contraception , which is essential for preventive health care.


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